What I learned from doing dishes
27 Dec 2020 | contemplationI woke up today and was welcomed by a mountain of dishes in the sink. My first reaction was - “Screw that - I’ll just go back to bed”. So, after a couple more hours of sleep, I went back to find that the mountain hadn’t magically disappeared.
Now I had to tackle this problem. This is the strategy I followed
- Move everything out of the sink back into the kitchen.
- Take 5 utensils into the sink.
- Wash them.
- If there are more dishes left, goto 2.
That was it! The mountain of dishes were done.
This is how a typical Monday looks like too. You wake up - look at the mountin of tasks - try to do them all at once - fail miserably - wonder at the end of the week, what went wrong.
All you need to do is this - split the tasks into “5-utensil-size” tasks. Tackling smaller tasks is easy and far, far less intimidating.
I’ve started doing that now, and not digitally. Grabbed a notebook and started adding tasks in there and splitting them. The inspiration for this came from the Bullet journal method designed by Ryder Carroll.